Sometime last year, a McDonald's commercial came out in the United Kingdom which lampooned pretentious specialty coffee shops. As we hear a voice repeatedly singing a single word -- 'madness' -- we see how the world of specialty coffee must appear to the uninitiated: Complex, pretentious, and over-elaborate. The over all impression we get is that specialty coffee is essentially elitist and self-indulgent. The solution: Buy a simple cup of McCafe coffee at a nearby McDonald's.
However, it doesn't have to be that way. That's why we here at Rube's Good-Brain Coffee are dedicated to breaking down the barriers which hinder the beginner from enjoying the wonderful world of specialty coffee. This mission is so important to us that it's even reflected in our name: Rube's.
Whereas a rube is generally thought of (according to Merriam-Webster's) as 'an awkward unsophisticated person,' we do not think that one has to be 'sophisticated' to enjoy a great cup of coffee. Instead, we believe that everyone is naturally an expert taster -- whether they know it or not. The only difference between a so-called coffee expert and everyone else comes down to one thing: Experience.
We hope to be able to be your liaison between you and the world of specialty coffee, because we know that you can do better than that mediocre cup of McDonald's coffee. You can do better than Starbucks or Dunkin' Donuts -- and it's really not all that hard, either. It's just a matter of learning a few basics that will help get you started. And that's where we come it. We hope to help and to guide you so that you can enjoy that which we've come to love: The simple beauty of a good cup of coffee.
We've already taken the first step: Opening our minds up to new possibilities. Each step is just as easy, so let's take them one at a time.

[h/t to Orange Cactus Coffee, from whom we first learned about the McDonald's ad]